Yoga For Concentration
3 Easy Yoga to Increase Concentration Power!-Yoga For improving Concentration:-
- Concentration is one's power if focusing or attention on something. It is an important attribute in our life that enables us to perform well in all that we do. Yoga, by its nature, is said to be a great means to improve concentration. Meditative exercises, through certain yogic asanas, help train mind and bring it to a relaxed state. Through this technique, we can deal with the feeling of stress and anxiety and focus well on the work at hand. Many studies have shown yoga to improve concentration, contribute good mental energy and bring a balance of body and the mind. Some of the asanas that help improve concentration are discussed below:
- Sukhasana is a combination of two words 'Sukha' and 'asana' 'Sukha' means 'pleasure' or 'happiness' and asana means posture.
Procedure:- Sit with legs straight in front of the body. Then bend the right leg and place the foot under the left thigh. After that bend the left leg and place the foot under the right thigh. Keep the hands on the knees in such a way that the palms should test on the knees. Keep your head, neck and back, straight. Close your eyes and relax the whole body.
- It is a good meditation posture.
- It improves concentration.
- Increases the glandular functioning.
- Improves leg strength and flexibility.
- Cures arthritis and knock-knees.
- Calms the mind.
- It improves posture.
- It reduces stress and anxiety.
- Facilitates mental and physical balance without causing strain.
- Strengthen the back.
- The individuals who have knee injury should not perform this asana for long durations.
- Procedure:- Stand up in attention position. Lift your arms upwards. Stretch your hands upwards. Raise your heels, and come on your toes. Also, pull up your body upwards. After some time breathe out slowly and come to the previous position. Repeat the same 1-15 times.
- It is helpful in developing physical and mental balance.
- It reduces obesity.
- It cures constipation.
- It cures digestive problems.
- It improves body posture.
- It alleviates sciatica.
- It is an excellent asana for those who want to enhance their height.
- It is beneficial in treating hypertension.
- Improves the concentration of mind.
- If you have low blood pressure you should not practice this asana.
- In case of headache or insomnia, you should avoid practicing this asana.
- Individuals, who suffer from blood circulation problems such as faulty valves, should not perform this asana.
- 'Padma' means 'lotus' and 'asana' means 'posture'.It means sitting in a position without any movement.
Procedure:- First of all sit in a squat position. Place the right foot on the left thigh so that the heel of the right foot on may touch the tip bone of the left thigh. Then, lift the foot and in the same way, keep it on the right thigh. The backbone should be straight and erect. Place your arms on the knees. After practicing it for a few days, it becomes easy to perform this asana.
- Padmasana increases the focus of mind and concentration.
- It clams the brain.
- It helps to relax the body.
- It helps to stimulate the abdomen and spine.
- This asana is the base for all asanas hip and knees.
- It helps in reducing blood pressure and muscular tension.
- It helps in reducing abdominal fat.
- Those individuals who suffer from sciatica or weak or injured knees should not practice this asana. This asana should not be practiced until you have good flexibility of your knees.
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